I Hope This Video Of Kendall Jenner Talking About Her Anxieties Will Make You Feel Less Alone

    Anxiety doesn't care about tax brackets.

    As someone who unwittingly ~keeps up with the Kardashians~, I know a lot of information about them against my will. That being said, when they're going through something serious and are setting a good example for their followers, I like to tune in from time to time.

    Well, today I chose to keep up with the Kardashian/Jenners, specifically Kendall, after she released the first video in her new series with Vogue, Open Minded: Understanding Anxiety with Kendall Jenner.

    The series follows Kendall as she opens up about the anxieties she's had since childhood, while talking to several experts in the psychology field to better understand what she's going through.

    "I remember being really young," Kendall said. "Like, 8, 9, 10...and having shortness of breath and going to tell my mother that. In hindsight, I know that that was...anxiety."

    A young Kendall posing for a photo with Kim and Kylie

    "Being overworked and being in the situation I'm in now kinda is what set it out of control. I've had times when I think I need to be rushed to the hospital because I think my heart's failing and I cannot breathe," Kendall continued.

    However, even though she's opening up about her struggles, she doesn't want "pity" from anyone and she also recognizes that she is very, very privileged.

    I mean, there [are] going to be those people that say, like, "Oh, what does she have to worry about? What does she have to be anxious about?" I'll never sit here and say that I'm not fortunate — I know I live a very privileged, amazing lifesyle; I'm a very blessed girl. [But] I still have [a brain], and that thing up there...is not always happy and it's not always connecting...no matter what someone has or doesn't have, that doesn't mean they don't have real-life feelings and emotions.

    In this first episode, Kendall sat down with Dr. Ramani, an LA-based clinical psychologist, to talk about her battle with social anxiety and hypochondria.

    Dr. Ramini talking with Kendall Jenner on "Open Minded"

    Kendall talked about how post-pandemic living and things starting to open up again is a trigger for her social anxiety.

    Kendall Jenner talking with Dr. Ramini on "Open-Minded"

    There was a Q&A portion at the end of the video where a follower asked, "How should I handle anxiety over a loved one who isn't being cautious during COVID?" And Kendall's immediate gut response was, "Wow, I feel this."

    Perhaps she's referring to when Kim had her private island birthday bash in the middle of the pandemic:

    After 2 weeks of multiple health screens and asking everyone to quarantine, I surprised my closest inner circle with a trip to a private island where we could pretend things were normal just for a brief moment in time.

    Or maybe she was even referring to her own birthday bash she had mid-pandemic:

    Kendall Jenner blowing out the candles on her birthday cake

    Regardless, anxiety is a real thing that MILLIONS of people struggle with, so, at the end of the day, it's pretty neat that one of the most followed people on social media/influential people in our zeitgeist is opening up about her struggles.

    You can watch the first episode of Open Minded: Unpacking Anxiety below:

    View this video on YouTube

    Vogue / Via youtube.com