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This Little Detail In "Home Alone" Shows Why Kevin Was Left Behind And I'm Gobsmacked

Hidden in ~plane~ sight.

We all know the story of Home Alone: The annoying kid brother gets left behind while the family goes on vacation and his absence is only noticed when the family boards the plane.

We're led to believe that when Heather (Kevin's oldest cousin) is doing the headcount in the beginning. She counted the pesky neighborhood kid, which is why Kevin is forgotten.


The REAL reason why Kevin was forgotten was because Kevin's dad, Peter, threw away Kevin's plane ticket!

Remember when Buzz was being a dick and pretending to throw up so that Kevin could get his slice o' cheese pizza? Which resulted in Kevin tackling him?

That altercation lead to a lot of hooplah, including milk getting spilled on the plane tickets and passports.

So Peter, who assumed he was being helpful, cleaned up the mess and threw away the used tissues...

...which, unbeknownst to him, INCLUDED KEVIN'S PLANE TICKET!

It also didn't help that the airline hostess didn't check their tickets, but rather just took them all at once and let them all aboard.

But alas, if you're gonna blame anyone for Kevin being left behind, blame Peter! And also Heather...but mostly Peter!