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    Game of Thrones Spoilers: The Five Stages of Grief

    When you're a Game of Thrones fan, there's not much that can hurt you worse than a spoiler. These are the five stages you'll go through in your grieving process.

    Maybe you missed an episode and it's waiting on your DVR. Maybe you've been binge-watching but haven't managed to catch up just yet. Or maybe you somehow managed to never even get into the show, like by living underground in a nuclear bunker, or being in a coma. The circumstances may be different, but the results are always the same:

    At some point, someone will undoubtedly spoil a major death or plot point in Game of Thrones for you. But don't worry, we've all been there, and we've all gone through the same grieving process. To prepare yourself, here are the five stages you'll face on your way to recovery:

    1. Denial

    2. Anger

    3. Bargaining

    4. Depression

    5. Acceptance