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    How To Survive Between "Breaking Bad" Episodes

    Seven days is torture. Torture I tell you!!

    Monday: Calm yourself and recuperate from last night's episode. This, no doubt, will require drinking.

    Tuesday: When people ask you dumb questions, answer them with a series of *dings*.

    Wednesday: Explore a few theories to help you sort out how all of this might end.

    Thursday: Take your car in for a wash and ask very. specific. questions.

    But try not to get kicked out.

    Friday: By this time it's tough to concentrate on work. So spend the day doodling pictures of yourself as Heisenberg.

    Saturday: Start pulling together pieces for your Breaking-Bad-themed Halloween costume.

    Sunday: Pick up these Los Pollos Hermanos drinking glasses because, well, who doesn't need these glasses?!

    ...and time your (dinner) cook just right so you don't miss a minute of the episode.

    Still antsy? Perhaps this animated version of Badger's Star Trek episode idea will put you at ease.

    View this video on YouTube


    Not enough? How about this adorable Walt/Jesse switch-a-roo?

    Or this: