Meet Dug, The Lawn Dinosaur

    A Tyrannosaurus rex is a versatile addition to any yard! Dug the Dinosaur livens up his owner's front lawn year-round.

    This is Dug.

    Dug is a dinosaur who also makes a super cute Cupid, because he's not afraid of commitment.

    Dug has a very complex relationship with Easter.

    Dug supports the troops.

    And Dug is a HUGE fan of "Dad Sweaters," especially on -- but by no means limited to! -- Father's Day.

    Can you guess who Dug is dressed as?

    He's Rosie the Riveter!

    On Halloween, Dug has a sense of humor about his species. Dinosaur jokes!

    He's also nationally recognized for his spot-on Elvis impersonation.

    Dug is admittedly not the biggest fan of Christmas.

    Dug was naturally rooted for the 49ers in this year's Super Bowl.

    But was sadly forced to wear this cone of shame when the Ravens won. Damn Ravens! Don't worry, Dug will get his revenge.