"Dark Avengers" Get A Reboot

    No time like the present to milk anything with the word Avengers in the title. Of course, these guys are more the Island of Misfit Superheroes than anything else.

    For those of you not in the know, let me give you a quick rundown of who's on that cover.

    Not Venom - Ai Apaec is a genetically modified South American god.

    Not Hulk - Skaar is the son of Hulk and an alien named Caiera.

    Not Thor - Ragnarok is the cyborg clone of Thor created by Tony Stark.

    Also Appearing:

    Not Hawkeye - Barney Barton, Hawkeye's older brother.

    Not Scarlet Witch - Dr. June Covington is a scientist that gave herself superpowers by using herself as a lab rat.

    Actual Luke Cage - The "Dark Avengers" version of Nick Fury.