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    18 More Libertarian Problems

    H/T to Benny Johnson, whose incessant whining inspired this list.

    18. When you realize that adopting the gold standard would be a terrible idea.

    17. When you realize that, in a libertarian utopia, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 wouldn’t exist.

    16. When you wonder what living in a libertarian world as a woman would be like.

    15. When you think about what being a kid would be like if the libertarians got their way.

    14. When you consider that in a libertarian utopia there would be no laws to prevent your employer from firing you at any time for any reason or no reason at all.

    13. When the poster-boy of your movement is a big ole’ racist.

    12. When you realize that the "tyranny of government" wouldn't disappear in a libertarian world, it would only be replaced by the tyranny of private entities.

    11. When it hits you that libertarianism as a political philosophy exists for rich white people who want to feel less guilty about how rich and white they are while simultaneously doing nothing to improve the lives of the less fortunate.

    10. When you look around and notice that all your friends are white men, just like you.

    9. When you learn that Ayn Rand was a hypocrite.

    8. When you learn Friedrich Hayek did the same thing.

    7. When you finally realize that free markets are not impartial forces of nature.

    6. When you remember that you’re responsible for the Tea Party.

    5. When you discover that the Koch brothers, the biggest financial supporters of Libertarian candidates, are also climate change deniers.

    4. When you learn that welfare states are awesome.

    3. When you think about how privatizing all public functions is a terrible idea.

    2. When you remember that the free market has historically been unable to solve basic market failures.

    1. When you wake up in the morning, look in the mirror, and probably see something like this: