This Twitter User Is Offering To Comment "Yikes" Under Your Ex's Selfies For A Cool $5

    Apparently, he's already gotten more than 200 requests.

    Every now and then, there comes a tweet that just perfectly articulates a deep-seated (and totally petty) impulse we've all felt. This week, it came from Twitter user @IsaiahGarnica:

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    So far, Garnica's tweet has more than 182,000 likes and 35,000 retweets.

    Now, I'm all for an extremely non-serious Twitter joke, but upon further inspection, it looked like Garnica was completely and 1000% game to do it.

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    Naturally, Twitter ate it up.

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    @IsaiahGarnica @sassyblackdiva The petty economy is booming lol

    And apparently, so many people took him up on his offer (more than 200 and counting, he told me via DM) that he had to set up a few guidelines...

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    Apparently, the requests started rolling in almost immediately after posting the tweet.

    So if you do the math, that means he's made more than $1,000 dropping those "Yikes" all over some unsuspecting exes' Instagram accounts.

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    Every person who sends a request and the $5 gets a screenshot for proof (especially if they're already blocked from their ex's account). Garnica showed me a few, but I'm not including them here for obvious privacy reasons!

    It's worth mentioning that comparisons have been made between Garnica's tweet and one made by TV screenwriter Eden Dranger in 2018, but Garnica said he'd never seen Dranger's tweet before.

    "We all use the same internet," he said. "Some people are pressed. I am paid up."

    Garnica, a Los Angeles-based songwriter, said his inspiration for the tweet came from a songwriting session in West Hollywood, where he dropped his phone.

    We also talked about whether what started as a joke might be construed as something more mean-spirited. "Some say it's a bully service, but it’s really not," Garnica said. "What I offer is closure. Especially when one is blocked."

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    A few users have asked Garnica to shame or insult the exes beyond the "yikes," and Garnica said he's turned those specific requests down. "I believe in karma. This might be theirs."

    "The yikes is sort of minuscule compared to the broken heart that is putting in the request when you think about it," Garnica added. "They can delete the yikes. A broken heart — not so much."

    At the end of the day, Garnica is the one raking it in on all this outsourced pettiness and calls it his "micro-hustle." "As long as the ticker on that tweet is ticking," he said. "I am making money."

    You can read Garnica's full Twitter thread here.