Here's How You Can Make Your Own Valentine's Day Cards On The BuzzFeed App

    Skip the ol' card aisle this year and DIY!

    In case you haven't walked through a drug store card aisle lately, Valentine's Day is almost here, which means it's that awkward time of year when you wanna express your feelings but also be, like, relatively low-key about it.

    On one hand, sending physical cards in the mail is sweet — but it's the kind of thing you have to plan ahead for, and sometimes not all of us have that kind of time!

    So we at BuzzFeed put together a little early Valentine's Day gift just for you: a set of cards/templates that you can personalize and send to alllll your faves.

    This way, you can make a valentine for your roommate based on your shared love for carbs and cabernet...

    ...Or you can make one for IG to let everyone know what your sweet Libra self will be up to on the big day:

    Here's how to do it: Download and open the BuzzFeed app on your iPhone any time between now and Valentine's Day, and you'll see this on your screen. Click on it!

    Then, you'll get to choose between a bunch of cute lil' templates and personalize the one of your choice with stickers, text, and emoji.

    Finally, you'll then be able to save your V-Day card to your camera roll, share it with a friend, and also buy a sticker pack for iMessages.

    Afterward, if you want to make more V-Day cards, just click on the heart envelope at the top of your screen in the app anytime up through Friday, February 14.

    Consider it an early Valentine's Day gift from us — and a chill-but-still-sentimental way to celebrate your loved ones (and yourself) this year.