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People Keep Calling James Comey "Daddy," Which Is Proof That 2017 Has No Chill

Every day we stray further from God's light.

Unless you've managed to avoid social media for the past week, chances are you are well aware that James Comey, former FBI director, is testifying in front of the Senate Intelligence Committee today.

While the focus should be on what Comey is saying, people on Twitter won't stop talking about the fact that Comey is... kinda hot.

Katie Ledoux / Via Twitter: @kledoux

For starters, even though he is no longer a part of the FBI he still loves them unconditionally.

Get you a man who loves you like comey loves the FBI

Marcy Sutter / Via Twitter: @breadandSUTTER

People admire his integrity.

I would marry #Comey 💍 I would "Love" to have a man of integrity. THATS WHAT SEXY!

Tracey Brown / Via Twitter: @PopCulturePsyck

Even those who don't support him politically are thoroughly enjoying his testimony.

what if you still really hate comey but watching him testify is kind of turning you on?

Anna Fitzpatrick / Via Twitter: @bananafitz

Comey is bringing sexy back to politics.

Twitter is for sexy time; not politics. *Takes top off* *Views Comey testimony* Problem Solved.

@LavasSunshine / Via Twitter: @LavasSunshine

Some don't know how to handle their feelings.

Is Comey sexy? Am I developing governmental Stockholm syndrome?

@Bruisey / Via Twitter: @Bruisey

Others are a little more open with their admiration.

Watching a bit of #Comey's testimony. Not gonna lie... with all due respect, I'm finding Comey hella attractive ri… https://t.co/PQpWtP8crc

Jamie Walton / Via Twitter: @JamieWalton

And it was only a matter of time until someone called him "daddy."

@manny_berry / Via Twitter: @manny_berry

Actually a lot of people were calling him "daddy."

Is Comey the Daddy we hope we deserve?

@NicoNovito / Via Twitter: @NicoNovito

I mean, an excessive amount of people were aboard the Comey/daddy train.

Ben Jacob / Via Twitter: @WithBensEyes

Some even compared him to political father figures from the past.

I'm old enough 2 remember having a crush on Ollie north during Iran-Contra. Surprised #Comey is giving me Daddy feels. Pleasantly. #TMI

Andy Torres / Via Twitter: @andyfeelsu

Other people were more impressed with his confidence.

Comey thinks 10 moves ahead. Why is that hot to me? #ComeyDay

@newsmonkeygirl / Via Twitter: @newsmonkeygirl

Of course, people brought up his physical appearance.

I'd just like to reiterate right now how physically attractive Comey is to me. #ComeyHearing

Kristen Skeet / Via Twitter: @CastAwayKristen

Because if you didn't know already, James Comey is actually 6 foot 8 inches — in other words, one inch taller than Tree Man.

Comey actually looks like a few other celebrities.

James Comey is either a less-attractive Kyle Chandler or more-attractive Chris Cooper.

Melissa Stetten / Via Twitter: @MelissaStetten

So don't worry — if you find yourself attracted to Comey, you're not alone.

Why is the way Comey fixes his sleeve so hot I'm just in a really weird place right now

@dizzymess / Via Twitter: @dizzymess