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    18 Magical Hair Colors You'll Actually Want To Try This Spring

    Bright colors? For spring? Groundbreaking.

    1. This fire ombré that blends from red to orange.

    2. This tangerine bob that's bright and beautiful.

    3. This iced lemonade look that serves up next-level yellow and orange hues.

    4. These electric yellow braids that simply radiate happiness.

    5. This spearmint bob that's angled to perfection.

    6. This iceberg look that features all the best shades of blue.

    7. This pixie dust look that practically jumped right out of a fairytale.

    8. These galaxy waves that blend all the colors in the Milky Way.

    9. This rosy mauve look that's perfect for anyone who loves a subtle color.

    10. This smoked velvet creation that elevates purple hair to a whole new level.

    11. This holographic violet cut for anyone who wants to shimmer and shine.

    12. These candyland waves that are practically perfect.

    13. This sweet pea ombré that's sinisterly sweet.

    14. This bubble gum bob you'll want to rock all year 'round.

    15. This peaches and cream ombré that's delicate AF.

    16. These cotton candy braids guaranteed to add more color to your life.

    17. These kaleidoscope curls that you can pair with any outfit.

    18. And finally, these half-n-half curls that prove silver and black will always go together.