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15 Mistakes Everyone Makes When They Try Gardening For The First Time

Earthworms? Good! Brown slugs? Bad!

Starting your first garden can be a little intimidating, but with a little research and preparation, I promise you won't end up with a plant graveyard.

1. You buy too many plants at once, instead of starting off with a few you could easily manage.

2. You accidentally buy dying plants from nurseries instead of healthy ones.

3. You don't prep your soil before planting.

4. You throw out plant tags without reading the information on them.

5. You plant your flowers or vegetables out of season.

6. You don't check if your plants prefer more sun or more shade.

7. You over- or under-water your plants.

8. You water the tops of your plants instead of focusing on the roots.

9. You forget to feed your plant.

10. You don't check if a plant is invasive to your region before planting.

11. You plant your seeds too close together instead of giving them room to grow.

12. You get rid of the wrong pests.

13. You keep dead blooms on your plant instead of cutting them off.

14. You let weeds run wild instead of taming them.

15. And finally, you give up too soon.

Check out more Gardening Week posts for tips, tricks, and inspo.