15 Cheryl Blossom One-Liners That Prove She's The Queen Of Sass

    "I think she's crazier than a serial killer on bath salts."

    1. When she was the poster child for self confidence.

    2. And when she wasn't afraid to voice her opinions.

    3. When she let her family loyalty get the best of her.

    4. And when she said what we were all thinking.

    5. When she knew exactly what she wanted.

    6. And when she knew how to give a killer compliment.

    7. But also when to cut someone down to size.

    8. No seriously, Cheryl can knock anyone down a peg or two.

    9. When she wasn't afraid to hold her friends accountable for being rude.

    @cherylstsanclub / Via cherylstanclub.tumblr.com

    10. When she showed us the best way to interrupt a conversation.

    11. And when she stood up for herself and her family.

    12. When she had absolutely no time for stereotypes.

    @madelainesource / Via madelainesource.tumblr.com

    13. And when she knew the best part of any social gathering.

    @cheryls-bombshell / Via cheryls-bombshell.tumblr.com

    14. When she knew the best way to express her emotions.

    @roadtoriverdale / Via roadtoriverdale.tumblr.com

    15. But most importantly, when she knew the party could NEVER start without her.

    @cherylstanclub / Via cherylstanclub.tumblr.com

    Bow down bitches, Cheryl is the true queen of Riverdale.