17 Design Fails Guaranteed To Make You Feel Uncomfortable

    But really who gave these the green light? H/T UglyDesign

    1. How does this throw pillow make you feel?

    2. Would you light these candles?

    3. Or wash your hands in this sink?

    4. This would make for a great statement piece right?

    5. Would you by this chair that's just right?

    6. How about this udderly adorable bag.

    7. The perfect bed for when you're hungry but too lazy to get up and fix food.

    8. Would you sit down on the holiest chair of all time?

    9. How about this chair that screams "Don't bother me while I'm working Sharon!!"

    10. At last, the perfect selfie mirror.

    11. Want to pop a squat on this couch?

    12. Is it too late now to say sorry for creating this sofa?

    13. Now you can enjoy nature and your morning coffee at the same time.

    14. Ho, ho, holy shit this is a real thing.

    15. This bottle opener that I could have gone the rest of my life without seeing.

    16. Anyone else want a drink?

    17. And finally this toilet paper holder fit for a princess.