15 Tweets About Instagram's New Screenshot Alerts That'll Make You Say, "Oh God"

    RIP my high school gossip group chat.

    Hello, and welcome to the end of the world.

    The day Instagram allows us to see who screenshots our images is the day the world ends

    @StephAnneFerry / Via Twitter: @StephAnneFerry

    That's right. The end of days is nigh because Instagram is slowly testing out screenshot notifications.

    Instagram is now exposing everyone who screenshots an Instagram story. We can no longer screenshot in peace.

    @sammynoura / Via Twitter: @sammynoura

    Users will get a notification if someone screenshots or screen records their story, so RIP my group chat gossip.

    attention: instagram now notifies if you take screenshots/screen recordings the person you’re STALKING so don’t do… https://t.co/Y8ZR5JUXga

    @odiata / Via Twitter: @odiata

    This is truly a day of mourning.

    Instagram is testing out screenshot notifications


    Lurkers and gossip queens, beware. This shit is about to get messy.

    Instagram is now notifying people when you screenshot them...

    @RyanSchocket / Via Twitter: @RyanSchocket

    Did no one tell Instagram that snitches get stitches?

    A summary of Instagram's new screenshotting policy:

    @blackmon / Via Twitter: @blackmon

    Who asked for this?

    Not going to be happy if @Instagram seriously adds this story screenshot notification

    @aLexxanDiva / Via Twitter: @aLexxanDiva

    There were a lot of very professional and valid reasons to screenshot Instagram content.

    There are many valid reasons to screenshot stories @instagram such as taking note of places I’d like to visit and t… https://t.co/WRbcurYh5G

    @emzaylor / Via Twitter: @emzaylor

    How will we share our crush's cute selfies now?


    @kellyvsco / Via Twitter: @kellyvsco

    I mean, what's the point of Instagram if not for creeping on cute coworkers and talking shit about exes?

    If I can't screenshot #Instagram stories than,

    @joceypot / Via Twitter: @joceypot

    People thought the Snapchat update was bad, but Instagram just upped the ante.

    Instagram snitching on screenshots is 100x worse than the new Snapchat update.

    @cronair / Via Twitter: @cronair

    As quickly as the news spread, some enlightened souls began sharing ways to get around the notification alerts.

    Instagram now tells you when your stories have been screenshotted. If you turn on airplane mode before the screen… https://t.co/DNHVd6ApOt

    @ImRubyMaxwell / Via Twitter: @ImRubyMaxwell

    On the plus side, at least there's no notification for simply visiting a profile.

    the day instagram starts telling you who visits your profile the most and screenshots the insta stories or pictures, we’re all fucked!

    @alemtz8 / Via Twitter: @alemtz8

    Or a separate notification for every time someone rewatches your story.

    ok so instagram already notifies you if someone screenshots your story. imagine if instagram also notifies you HOW… https://t.co/AtAiwFgqlZ

    @amidaleia / Via Twitter: @amidaleia

    So stay safe out there, friends, this update looks like it'll be a rough one.

    Instagram screenshot............. IT'S OVER. I T ' S O V E R 🙃🙃🙃

    @nikkiperalta / Via Twitter: @nikkiperalta