The Truth Behind "Finding Nemo" Is Really Going To Mess With Your Head

    It's a fictional movie for children, but if it were scientifically accurate, it would be a WHOLE DIFFERENT SITUATION.

    It started with this series of tweets from a Brazilian twitter user called @thelumikki back in 2015. Fair warning, you'll never see Finding Nemo the same after this.

    Twitter: @thelumikki

    BuzzFeed Brazil spoke with an honest-to-goodness oceanographer named Lúcia Safi from the Virginia Institute of Marine Science, and an ACTUAL biologist named Carolina Jacobini from the Federal University of São Carlos, and both scientists CONFIRMED THIS THEORY!!!

    Let's get into the details! Nemo and his dad are clownfish. All members of this species are born hermaphroditic.

    They change sex according to the needs of their group, and it's totally normal and fine. Definitely more evolved that the human race.

    So the science in Finding Nemo doesn't really stack up. Someone get John Lasseter on the phone.

    It starts with the name "Nemo," which is Latin for "no one." Nemo doesn't have a male or female identity yet. He's not one or the other, but either.

    And after the death of the group's female, Marlin wouldn't continue to be a male fish.

    But that's not all. If Nemo's former-father-now-mother were to die, Nemo himself would become a female and mate with another male clownfish.

    So in conclusion, Finding Nemo should have OPENED with Marlin becoming Nemo's new mommy... and then having sex with him.

    Taking all this new information into account, the plot synopsis of the movie is suddenly looking a lot different...

    This post was translated from Portuguese.