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19 People Who Are Having A Way, Wayyyy Worse Day Than You

Welp, at least that's not you.

Think you're having a bad day? Just remember...

1. Hey, at least you didn't deliver thousands of pounds to the wrong place:

2. And at least you didn't forget to close your car window:

3. And hey, at least you didn't drop your priceless art at the worst possible moment:

4. Look at the bright side — at least you didn't have a gas emergency:

5. And at least you didn't find out that power tools and beards don't mix:

6. And hey, at least you aren't in a rando's bed:

7. At least you didn't create a new element with a kitchen pan:

8. And at least you didn't embarrass yourself in front of a giant crowd:

9. And hey, at least this isn't your license plate:

Well, friends. This is what came in the mail. I’m gonna need something else, please.

10. At least you didn't have a drone declare war on your head:

11. And at least your TV didn't introduce itself to your floor:

12. And hey, at least you weren't driving this car:

13. At least this wasn't your view:

14. And at least this didn't happen on Christmas:

15. And hey, at least you didn't create a dangerous weapon out of a NutriBullet:

16. Look at the bright side — your dog didn't discover your money stash:

17. And you didn't get to name a coffee cup:

18. And hey, you didn't embarrass yourself in front of the TSA:

19. Finally, just remember, at least you didn't forget this word: