26 Pictures That Perfectly Sum Up The "Meninist" Movement

    Long live meninism!

    1. These crusaders of justice:

    2. A man whose dating profile says he's really good at "pee poop":

    3. A breast-feeding dad:

    4. A SpongeBob swag shirt and matching hat:

    5. This hot rod:

    6. This Craigslist ad:

    7. An infinity bacon tattoo:

    8. This guy in economics class:

    9. A man in a fedora flipping off cops who have their backs turned:

    10. The meninist manifesto:

    11. These seductive words:

    12. A man on a couch surrounded by gross socks:

    13. A guy making a Dorito and Mountain Dew smoothie:


    14. Brant's dating profile:

    15. The guy on the right:

    16. A dude transforming into Charizard:

    17. This guy's special skill:

    18. This selfie:

    19. This groundbreaking discovery:

    20. Jacob's smooth talkin':

    21. A dude dressed as a killer whale fucking an inflatable killer whale:

    22. This man's worries and fears:

    23. Any and all white dudes wearing shorts in freezing weather:

    24. This dating application:

    25. Peter's flirtation:

    26. And this YouTube video: