25 Things Millennials Did That Officially Makes Them Old, According To Kids Today

    No lies detected.

    If you're a millennial and you...

    1. Owned VHS tapes:

    My little cousin called me old because I used to have VHS tapes and cassette tapes.............................

    2. Used a chalkboard growing up:

    My kid just called me old cause I had chalkboard when I was young instead of smartboard 😭

    Twitter: @odd_ballx3

    3. Had a Myspace:

    i just got called old for having a myspace when i was younger..... BITCH WHAT

    Twitter: @SELLLENIUM_

    4. Left a voicemail, like, ever:

    Yesterday at work a girl told me I was old because I emailed people. Today my son called me old because I left a voicemail. 😳😳

    5. Have CDs in your car:

    My student called me old today because I still use cd’s in my car. 🤷🏻‍♀️ #NoShame

    Twitter: @meggyboo_20

    6. Were born in the '90s:

    my cousin just called me old because i was born in the ‘90s 😒

    7. Or the 1900s???

    A child just called me old because “You were born way back in the 1900s”. So congrats everyone. If you were born before 2000, you’re now considered old🤪😂

    8. Had a portable CD player:

    Today the kids I babysit called me old because I told them I used to have a portable CD player

    9. Owned an iPod:

    I found out i was old today when my daughter called me old for owning an iPod which apparently is obsolete 😂😂😂

    10. Knew Barney:

    one of my student's mom thinks I'm old because I grew up when Barney was popular

    11. Yelled "Kobe!" while shooting something into a trash can:

    One of my new coworkers called me "old" today because when I threw something in a trash can, I said "Kobe!"

    Twitter: @blaineestu

    12. Used headphones with wires:

    My 9 yearold cousin just called me old because i have "headphones with wires on them" did that actually just happen

    13. Used GIFs:

    This kid called me old for using gifs ☹️ I’m only 22 ☹️☹️☹️

    14. Ever said this phrase:

    My boyfriend just called me old because I said "Be kind, Rewind."

    Twitter: @girlsolititsamy

    15. Ate Dunkaroos:

    My baby cousin called me old. She said cuz I used to eat Dunk-a-Roos! 😩

    16. Saw Spy Kids in theaters:

    My kids called me old because I told them that I saw Spy Kids in theaters.

    17. Use this exact emoji:

    My cousin said I’m old because I use the 😂 emoji ???? I thought just using emojis made me cool lol

    Twitter: @john__nhoj

    18. Were alive when Twilight came out:

    tumblr post reading a few weeks ago a teenager called me grandma because i remember when the first twilight film came out

    19. Listened to the Lil' duo:

    My coworker just told me I’m old because i know lil bow wow and lil romeo 😐

    20. Know one (1) Queen song:

    A kid at tutoring called me old because I knew a Queen song 😩

    21. Listened to Celine:

    My sister called me old because I listen to Celine Dion wtf 😂

    Twitter: @_IvyyAyleen

    22. Remember when YouTube didn't have ads:

    i told a kid i remembered a time before youtube had ads, and he called me old

    23. Use stamps???

    My husband called me old because I have a check book and stamps in my wallet.. 🤦🏻‍♀️

    24. Listened to the Jonas Brothers:

    I played a song guessing game for my students today and they called me old because I played frank ocean and the Jonas brothers 🥺🥺

    25. Or played outside:

    A ten year old just told me I’m old because I used to play outside

    Twitter: @Bro_Dedrick

    ...then congrats! You're apparently old now.