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28 Things That Are Worse Than Talking About Politics On Facebook


1. Failing miserably on "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire":

2. Getting attacked by a yo-yo:

3. Having a seagull steal your ice cream:

4. Having the screen name "meatrocket8":

5. Forgetting how a door works:

6. Following this person on Twitter:

Or being friends with this person on Facebook:

7. Justin Bieber fan art:

8. Nic Cage mixed with a LEGO guy:

9. This happening:

10. Or THIS:

11. Or THIS:

12. Or THIS:

13. And especially THIS:

14. Getting "Miley Cyrus" tattooed on your chest:

15. Elementary schoolers on Facebook:

And on Tumblr:

16. Or just eighth graders in general:

17. Wearing your pants like this:

18. This happening to you:

19. The very rare 360 teabag:

20. Having this unfortunate name:

Or this one:

21. Or just having your picture show up twice in the yearbook:

22. Michael Cera with a mustache:

23. Synchronized swimming faces:

24. Taking a selfie with your grandma:

25. Cannonballing into a pool of ice:

26. Trying to eat a cookie with your eye:

27. Having this happen to you:

28. And THIS:

Oh, wait, I'm wrong. There is literally NOTHING worse than your Facebook friends talking about politics.