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35 Foods That Pretty Much Sum Up Your Childhood

Taste the mems.

1. Gum that loses its flavor after ~5 seconds:

2. Witch fingers:

3. These tongue-ruiners:

4. French toast in your cereal bowl:

5. Ice cream faces:

6. Trying not to choke:

7. A jug of gum:

8. Brownies from another planet:

9. All the fun of juice in bar form:

10. A lil' stick cream:

11. Mutant ketchup:

12. Cookies for breakfast:

13. That sweet Kit Kat foil crack:

14. Eatin' dirt:

15. Dinosaur eggs in your oatmeal:

16. The candy of choice for everyone's grandma:

17. Shark gummies:

18. Superhero lollipops:

19. That sweet, chalk taste:


21. The love child of a DJ and a soda:

22. Square ’za:

23. Smoking pretzels:

24. M&Ms for ANTS:

25. Sweet sugar water:

26. Candy for babies for adults:

27. Even more sugary water:

28. A mouthful of paper:

29. Getting a page on your gum:

30. Gum for ANTS:

31. A jug full of the juice of your choice:

32. String Thing things:

33. Fruit-shaped Trix:

34. Sprungle Spramples:

35. And, finally, candy that had the power to TRANSFORM: