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18 People Who Are Having An Immeasurably Worse Day Than You

It can always be way, way worse.

1. Hey, at least you don't have a mouthful of gunk:

2. And at least you didn't cry through at the worst possible time:

3. And at least this didn't happen to you:

4. Hey, at least your soul didn't leave your body:

5. And your cookies didn't have an untimely death:

6. And, hey, at least you didn't ruin any weddings:

7. It could be worse. I mean, you could be a Smurf for life:

8. Or be on the wrong end of a wrong number text:

9. Or just literally be the most awkward person in the world:

10. And at least you don't have to teach a room full of kids about the fragility of human existence:

11. And, hey, your E button still works:

12. At least you didn't send the worst possible text to the worst person:

13. And at least a little kid didn't make you feel 100,000,000 years old:

14. And hey, at least some nuns didn't silently damn you to hell today:

15. Just remember: auto correct still loves YOU:

16. YOU still have your porch:

17. And, hey, at least you're not Danielle: