42 Facts That Will Make Every Single Millennial And Gen Xer Have An Existential Crisis

    "Ben Stiller is now the same age as Robert De Niro was when he made Meet The Parents."

    1. On 30 years ago:

    Someone said “30 years ago” and my mind went “ah yes, the 1970s” but they meant 1991 and now I need a lie in.

    Twitter: @thismuchyellow

    2. On Meet The Parents:

    ben stiller is the same age robert deniro was in meet the parents

    3. On the 1900s:

    One of my students really wrote a sentence that begins, "In the late 1900s.” I had to re-read it three times to realize what the heck was going on. My feelings are hurt.

    Twitter: @sjjphd

    4. On CDs:

    person who doesn't know what burning cds is

    5. On the teens:

    a kid calling the 2010s the teens

    6. On the '80s:

    I just had it brought to my attention that 1980 and 2021 are as far apart as 1980 and 1939. I'm just going to need a minute.

    Twitter: @sleepytrekkie

    7. On 1985:

    person pointing out 1985 would be about 2002 if it was written today

    8. On Netflix:

    I explained to my daughter that when Netflix started they used to send you DVDs. 6yr old: (old lady voice) You know, back in my day, the internet used to come in the mail.

    Twitter: @zimmer_donald

    9. On hanging up:

    My 13 yo just asked me why we say “hang up the phone.” I’m now getting ready to check myself into a senior living centre 😭

    Twitter: @kirstie_talbot

    10. On MTV:

    11. On 9/11:

    me, in my 9/11 class: So, how did YOU feel, when you heard the news? students: . . . . . Erm.. I was two years old 🤷‍♀️ #IFeelOld #phdlife

    Twitter: @MsOeming

    12. On ID:

    13. On Funniest Home Videos:

    14. On Austin Powers:

    Just a reminder that if Austin Powers were revived today, he would have been frozen in the long ago, swinging days of . . . 1992.

    Twitter: @duffharris

    15. On the Creek:

    My teenage daughter just came into the kitchen and said "I'm watching this TV show, it's like a teen drama but it's set in the past". I asked her what it was called and she said "Dawson's Creek". I have been alive a long time.

    Twitter: @DecLawn

    16. On VHS:

    my 9 year old sister just asked me what this is... she was shocked when i told her this is how we used to watch movies

    Twitter: @AidenEJK

    17. On rock 'n' roll:

    Absolutely devastated to learn this DAD ROCK album with AVRIL LAVIGNE and SUM 41 is not just a meme but is, in fact, real

    Twitter: @SamMaggs

    18. On CDs:

    person who does not know what burning cds is

    19. On cassettes:

    Twitter: @CynicalMother

    20. On cords:

    21. On your friends:

    the rugrats dads look like your friends

    22. On texts:

    Told a group of teens that when I was their age we had to pay 10 cents per text message and now they think I’m a liar

    Twitter: @darryladams_

    23. On pencil sharpeners:

    Asked my four year old niece what this was and she said “soap”

    Twitter: @wyshynski

    24. On ejecting:

    25. On the Smashing Pumpkins:

    26. On Kool-Aid:

    person who doesn't know what a kool aid top is

    27. On Dazed and Confused:

    28. On the RUSH:

    29. On iPods:

    I gave my old iPod to my son: “Daddy, I don’t like it because it doesn’t work” 🤷🏻‍♂️

    Twitter: @Torcelly

    30. On rooms:

    31. On $20 bills:

    32. On music:

    33. On floppies:

    34. On hanging out:

    35. On commercials:

    Watching cable with my eldest son and a commercial comes on. He asked to skip it and I said you can’t skip tv ads. I then told him you have to pay to watch these too and he looked at me like I’m crazy

    Twitter: @Dutch40k

    36. On projectors:

    37. LimeWire:

    tweet reading on this day 15 years ago my moms picked up the phone and interrupted a file at 96 percent on napster with a reply that reads can someone explain this tweet to me why it take so long and dafuq is napster

    38. On NSYNC:

    “bye bye bye” just came on and my 14 year old brother goes “what’s that from? high school musical?” sigh we’ve reached the generation that doesn’t know who *NSYNC is

    Twitter: @ItsSteephh

    39. On Shrek:

    there are children being born whose PARENTS were not alive when Shrek (2001) came out.. Crazy how the years start coming and they simply do not stop coming

    Twitter: @jazz_inmypants

    40. On home phones:

    41. On Twitter:

    yahoo answers question that reads i found a nineties phone with a hashtag button on it i thought twitter invented hashtags

    42. On aging:

    tweet reading you're not a 90s kid youre a 30 year old man