35 Pictures That Will Make Every Millennial On Earth Say "I Can't Believe I Forgot"

    It's like a switch in my brain got turned on.

    1. The amazing smell of a freshly opened can of Play-Doh:

    2. Those plastic baskets strawberries used to come in:

    3. The sticky, vinyl-y surface of these lawn chairs:

    4. When drinks used to come in glass bottles:

    5. Stamp markers, in all their proto-emoji glory:

    6. That ONE ball:

    7. The unmistakable smell of a roller skating rink:

    8. Those cardboard blocks you built architectural wonders with:

    9. That infamous ball room in elementary school gym class:

    10. The most delicious discontinued snack:

    11. Carefully using a sharpie to write out the perfect tracklisting on a freshly burned CD:

    12. Winning free sodas just by looking under the cap:

    13. The original foil packaging Kit Kats came in:

    14. The sweet smell of hose water. It just hit different:

    15. Medicine that tasted better than candy, honestly:

    16. That unforgettable sound of ripping the tennis ball off the velcro:

    17. Getting one of these Life-Savers books in your Christmas stocking:

    18. Those ol' crinkly insides of a VHS tape case:

    19. Blue gel star-shaped toothpaste:

    20. Those Disney mugs that were only kinda terrifiyng:

    21. Those tiny cereals packed in foil which definitely made it taste better:

    22. Seeing this before a movie and knowing you were in for a treat:

    23. Playing this game in a doctor's office and never getting it right:

    24. Pouring out some cereal and getting a dusty l'il prize:

    25. The yellow-y inside of an old Subway:

    26. Those little shaky bug things:

    27. Seeing this logo at the end of your favorite cartoon:

    28. That one bowl everyone had for some reason:

    29. Robot dogs from the FUTURE:

    30. Those super detailed books you always saw at a book fair:

    31. The flashlights that changed from red to green:

    32. The U2 iPod in all its U2 glory:

    33. That one shampoo commercial with the swimming bottles:

    34. Going into a store and standing around listening to new CDs:

    35. Inside water fountain knowledge: