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17 Pictures That Sum Up The Difference Between High School And College

Basically, everything.

1. Your fridge in high school:

Your fridge in college:

2. School supplies in high school:

School supplies in college:

3. Getting ready for class in high school:

Getting ready for class in college:

4. Dinner in high school:

Dinner in college:

5. Presentations in high school:

Presentations in college:

6. Getting a good grade on a test in high school:

Getting a good grade on a test in college:

7. When you remember you had homework in high school:

When you remember you had homework in college:

8. Financial decisions in high school:

Financial decisions in college:

9. Relationships in high school:

Relationships in college:

10. School essentials in high school:

School essentials in college:

11. Bed time in high school:

Bed time in college:

12. Waking up early for class in high school:

Waking up early for class in college:

13. Sleeping in high school:

Sleeping in college:

14. Your schedule in high school:

Your schedule in college:

15. Parent–teacher conferences in high school:Parent–teacher conferences in high school:

Parent–teacher conferences in college:

16. Using a calculator in high school:

Using a calculator in college:

17. Google searches in high school:

Google searches in college:

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