21 People Everyone Definitely Has In Their Friend Group

    Who's who?

    1. The friend who's absolutely ancient:

    2. The friend who's already seen EVERYTHING:

    3. The friend who sees the speed limit as a suggestion:

    4. The friend who's always "5 mins away":

    5. The friend who is never actually outside:

    6. The friend who can't shut-up during a movie:

    7. The friend who has a phone like this:

    8. The friend that's going to be the death of you:

    9. The friend who ALWAYS looks:

    10. The friend who you connect to on a higher level:

    11. The friend who you always do nothing with:

    12. The friend who always has the best/worst ideas:

    13. And the friend who finally comes around:

    14. The friend who always makes you guess:

    15. The friend who gets a l'il too affectionate:

    16. The friend who is your biggest fan:

    17. The friend who spends half their life on the way:

    18. The friend who always plays this game:

    19. The friend who almost always kills you:

    20. The friend who is always mad with you:

    21. And the friend who took a different path: