A Reminder That There's A Bird That Looks Just Like Danny Devito

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    This is beloved actor and Emmy award winner Danny DeVito. You might recognize him from his role as Frank Reynolds on the program It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia or from the film One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest:

    This is a royal tern. You might recognize it from the coasts of the Americas, as far south as Peru. It also looks just like Danny Devito:

    This bird, the royal tern, looks like Danny DeVito !!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!! !!!!!!

    But before you start shaking your finger at your computer with your voice slowly rising in volume until you are shouting "SLOW NEWS DAY!", look at the evidence:

    EXHIBIT A: a royal tern looking solemnly off into the distance:

    American #Oystercatcher Recovery Campaign Coordinator @ShilohSchulte took this Royal Tern photo in Cedar Key, FL.

    EXHIBIT B: Danny DeVito looking solemnly off into the distance:

    EXHIBIT C: Danny DeVito teasing the audience with a bit of that magical smile:

    EXHIBIT D: A royal tern teasing the audience with a bit of that magical smile:

    EXHIBIT E: Danny DeVito as The Penguin:

    EXHIBIT F: What came up when I google searched "royal tern with a penguin":

    EXHIBIT G: Danny DeVito and a royal tern starring in the film "Twins":

    And, finally, exhibit H: a side by side comparison. Any questions?

    That's what I thought.