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The 28 Absolute Dumbest Things That Happened In 2016

2016: the dumbest year on record.

1. The spaghetti incident:

2. Terrible illnesses:

3. Head injuries:

4. The worst kind of salad:

5. Delicious, medium-rare chicken:

6. Delicious, crisp children:

7. Teachers skatin' around:

8. Paternity questions:

9. Daddy's favorite acute:

10. Sautéed Oreos:

11. Meteorology:

12. The most beautiful dress:

13. Obama's last name:

14. Caramel matters:

15. Lots of drinking:

16. The world's greatest invention:

17. The world's worst cook:

18. Makes you think:

19. Twenty-seven months of pregnancy:

20. Crime-stopping:

21. Plane cheese:

22. Lottery math:

23. A strange dinner:

24. Inspiring lactose:

25. Beyoncé No. 1 in all seven countries:

26. The obvious order of events:

27. Shania law:

28. The genius test:

And of course...

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