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22 People Who Are Having A Way, Wayyyy Worse Day Than You

Hey, it could be worse.

1. Hey, at least you didn't get stuck in a speaker:

2. And at least you didn't order a chair made for ANTS:

3. At least you didn't pull a Diego:

4. And at least you didn't pick the worst possible time for a selfie:

5. Or try to do...this????

6. And hey, at least you're not trapped in a Walmart bathroom:

7. Just remember that you're not this guy:

8. Or this girl:

9. And that this didn't happen to you:

10. Just remember that this isn't you:

11. And this didn't happen to you:

12. And you can still spell "spaghetti":

13. Just remember that you can still see your dentist:

14. Still talk to Dave:

15. And you don't have the dubious title of "Fart Cone creator":

16. I mean, hey, at least you didn't screw up like this:

17. And at least you didn't get this mug:

18. And hey, at least you're not this dude:

19. Just think about it: At least you're not Knuttsack:

20. And at least you didn't get this text:

21. Or have this happen to your texts:

22. And, at the very least, at least you weren't conned by the greatest criminal of them all: