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19 People Who Have Ascended To A Higher Plane Of Existence

We can only watch in awe.

1. The vodka archeologist:

2. The FaceTiming chef extraordinaire:

3. The popcorn prince:

4. The king of all license pictures:

5. The guy who figured out how to keep his sweet, beautiful food warm:

6. The one trip kings:

7. The Diet Pepsi da Vinci:

8. The vest viceroy:

9. The scam czar:

10. The person who figured out the only information worth knowing:

11. The soda machine sultan:

12. The fake ID Faraday:

13. The cereal caesar:

14. The luggage queen:

15. The dog grooming genius:

16. The lord of the Apple watch:

17. The guy who figured out how to defeat bacon grease once and for all:

18. The record machine magistrate:

19. The airdrop emperor: