28 Of The Absolute Dumbest Things Americans Have Actually Said On The Internet

    This is rough stuff, my fellow Americans.

    1. On the Fourth of July:

    One person asks if other countries celebrate the 4th of July and another responds asking why would they

    2. On the 2020 election:

    Tweet saying that Obama was too scared to run against Trump because he knew Trump would win

    3. On Europe:

    One person writes that they don't care that Europe is banning Americans. They'd rather go to Spain or Italy

    4. On money:

    One person says a quarter a day will get you 9,125 dollars and another points out that the math is way off

    5. On the metric system:

    Map of the world highlighting countries that don't use the metric system and Alaska is highlighted and a person responds that Alaska is not a country

    6. On weight:

    A person responds to the news that airlines are limiting weight on planes by getting mad about kilograms

    7. On countries:

    Tweet reading how did beyonce go number one in one hundred countries when there's only 7? africa, europe, asia, and i cant remember the rest

    8. On language:

    tweet reading just heard an american woman angrily tell an airport employee quote if you don't speak english then why are you working here. next line is ma'am... you're in shanhai china

    9. On futuristic technology:

    Discussion between two people where one asks if they have TVs in England

    10. On bidets:

    Picture of a woman drinking out of a bidet

    11. On Nates:

    All caps Facebook post reading nate of americans need to move back to india

    12. On music:

    Reply to a poll reading Drake is from Canada it's up north but not america

    13. On Barack Obama:

    Tweet reading y'all saying Obama doesn't have a last name it's Care

    14. On subtitles:

    Amazon reviews of people upset a movie it subtitled

    15. On temperature:

    Tweet thread of a person getting owned for saying no one in the world uses celsius

    16. On NASCAR:

    Facebook reply to an article about NASCAR banning confederate flags saying that NASCAR is a scam because they never went to the moon

    17. On China:

    Facebook post that reads omg i just read that china is 12 hours ahead of america... why didn't they warn them about nine eleven

    18. On flags:

    Tweet about the only pride this person needs to the bible and the red white and blue stripes but it's not the american flag it's the liberian flag

    19. On the Titanic:

    Facebook post reading Canadians think the titanic was a real event and not just a movie, how dumb can you be

    20. On time:

    Tumblr post about someone getting mad about military time and a person replies that americans can't count past 12

    21. On sports:

    Facebook post about how complicated american football is and how the rest of the world can't handle it but a reply says they have it in europe

    22. On cutlery:

    Question asking if the british use forks

    23. On college:

    Tweet reading goodbye california hello san francisco

    24. On California:

    Tweet reading how are the nukes supposed to reach california if north korea is across the map from us

    25. On the Pledge of Allegiance:

    Facebook post reading that the pledge of allegiance says to the republic for which it stands not to the democrat

    26. On the letter "A":

    facebook post of people trying and failing to come up with a country that doesn't have the letter a in it's name

    27. On hemispheres:

    Reddit thread of someone thinking the souther hemisphere means central texas

    28. And, finally, on America:

    Sign reading American is the best country in the nation