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    Reimagining Jon Snow as a full-on Targaryen, blonde hair and all

    Say R + L = J is true and say our favorite GoT character isn't dead...what might he look like with platinum Targaryen locks?

    Unless you've been living under a (Casterly) rock, you're probably aware of the shocking ending on the season 5 finale of Game of Thrones.

    But if you happen to be one of the lucky few - graced by the old gods and the new - and you haven't experienced the agony that is the season 5 finale, then beware: SPOILERS below.

    Many fan theories have spawned surrounding George R.R. Martin's hit book series and the HBO show. But few have been as popular as the R + L = J theory. If you haven't heard of it, you can read up here. Basically, the theory says Jon Snow isn't Ned Stark's bastard but is in fact a Targaryen.

    And after Jon's (alleged) death during the finale, fans were questioning the R + L = J theory wondering if it's possible that he'll be reborn because of his king's blood.

    In fact, one fan noticed that at the moment of Jon's (please don't be true!) death, his eyes may have turned the Targaryen purple.

    Targaryen's typically have blonde hair, the opposite of Kit Harrington's characteristic dark and dreamy locks. But what if Jon emerged from the flames, unharmed by fire as Targaryen's are, with the hair of his (possible) father's side of the family. Let's see what that might look like:

    Jon Fonda

    "Let me see you do the Jon Fonda..." -Ser Mickeion Avalonion


    Maybe he could channel his inner Katniss and come back to rampage his betrayers with a bow and arrow.


    "Let me see your halo..." Too soon?

    Sno-cole Richie

    Managing that bob in the blizzardy North, though? Not gonna happen.


    No one in Westeros is gonna take you seriously with those good girl Taylor Swift goldilocks.

    Emma Snow

    Maybe his transformation could turn him into a bubbly strawberry blonde...

    Or what if he went for a Sia look...

    Let's be real, those bangs aren't gonna be doing you any favors when you're fighting off the White Walkers/Night's Watch/everyone else in Westeros.

    Either way, whether you come back as a bleached blonde or not, we'll still love you Jon Snow