21 Tweets That Will Make People With Allergies Feel Seen

    Does anyone have a Benadryl?


    Me trying to make out during allergy season


    this is how i look at my allergy medicine https://t.co/dhvnW67Xjt


    finally got allergy tested this morning after dealing with migraines for years...found out i’m allergic to bread and cheese. if you need me i’ll be 6 feet under the ground because i don’t think ill be able to survive after this news


    When your mom drops you off at a birthday party with your own snacks because you have food allergies



    One amusing interaction did come of it though. Nurse: Wow, you're one of the best allergic reaction cases we've seen recently Me: Wait, by best, you mean... not the best for me, right? Nurse: Oh, yeah, sorry.


    yall im so embarrassed to be seen w these fat ass cheeks i feel like that’s so raven in the one episode where she got an allergic reaction :-(


    My doctor: “so you get an allergic reaction every time you eat pizza?” Me: “yes” Doc: “then... stop eating pizza.” Me:


    Me: wow its so nice out My allergies:


    Fox just turned to me, saying “Yeah I get that if you ATE a peanut, you’d have an allergic reaction. But what if you SMOKED a peanut?” This is the level we’re at.


    im allergic to apple skin, right? ok so once in 6th grade i purposely ate an entire apple, had an allergic reaction, just so i could go home


    two ppl were just thrown out of the plane bc they tried having sex in the bathroom and they used the soap in there as lube and the girl had an allergic reaction


    Having a child with food allergies, I appreciate most ingredient warning labels.... but it's possible we've gone too far.


    I love catgirls yet I’m severely allergic to cats. Why has god forsaken me.


    when i was pregnant i ate so much soy beans and soy sauce and my daughter would kick around a lot and i thought it was bc she liked it so I’d try to eat that often and turns out she’s allergic to soy


    Stop complaining about ur life, theres people out there who are literally allergic to dogs


    i wore a yellow tshirt for an hour and suddenly start wheezing and itching i’m literally allergic to colour


    I have a suspicion that cats know I'm allergic to them and they enjoy slowly poisoning me with every snuggle.


    I know a girl who doesn't eat Nutella cuz her boyfriend is allergic to nuts. If that's not love I don't know what is.


    there’s just something about washing my allergy pill down with coffee that makes me feel powerful, what the FUCK is up pollen


    I’m at Sephora and the makeup artist asked this woman if she was allergic to anything and she said “shrimp”