These TikToks Of People Looking Totally Emotionless While On Roller Coasters Are Breathing Life Back Into Me

    Mood? Apathetic.

    I love roller coasters as much as the next person, but there's one thing I can't deny: If I'm riding one, there's a 100% chance I'm screaming my ass off.

    Recently, it was brought to my attention that there are quite a few people out there who are able to ride roller coasters in complete silence while also keeping a neutral expression. They've been showing off their bravery in the only acceptable way: recording their ride reactions (or lack thereof) on TikTok:

    In case you were wondering, this video has over 22 million views.

    I'm laughing, but I'm also kind of terrified. Are you a robot, @tonyellismartinez?

    Tony looking super bored on rides

    I feel like I need to take a page from his book when dealing with obnoxious people.

    Tony looking super bored on rides

    TikTok user @360zel also participated in the trend, and I'm in awe over a) how bored he looks and b) how he was able to keep his phone so still while going down that drop.

    Why is everyone scared, Zel? I don't know, maybe because they're plummeting toward the Earth at over 100 mph?!

    Zel looking really bored

    I also have to wonder how any of the people participating in this trend did it without getting whiplash (unless there were some behind-the-scenes visits to the doctor). You should not be turning your head at speeds that high!!!

    I guess, if you think about it, these legends did live through 2020, so their desensitization isn't too surprising.


    #greenscreenvideo a brave soldier lost his hat today @wetcootershot

    ♬ Touch Down 2 Cause Hell - Hd4president

    Stay safe out there, kids.