Plz, Why Does Every Dad Do These 32 Things — It's Freaking Me Out

    Dads love an ellipses.

    Two months into the pandemic, I saw a video that made me laugh uncontrollably, and think to myself...Do we all have the same dad? It was this TikTok of a dad shaking some cashews in his hand before popping them into his mouth — a classic move by my own father:

    After revisiting this video, I went down a rabbit hole to see what other common denominators our dads share. Here are 31 other things that every father is definitely guilty of:

    1. The stare:

    Why do dads always walk into your room and look at you like this, then leave again? Without saying a word?

    Twitter: @ImAntoMMA

    2. The "go help your mom":

    Why do Dads always say "go help your mom" No bro you help your wife!! Am I the one who married her at 18??

    Twitter: @hxrryxo_

    3. The "OK":

    Why do dads always send “ok” after everything you text them 💀💀💀

    Twitter: @nocturna_13

    4. Point in case:


    Twitter: @coolestmonke

    5. The kitchen stance:

    Why do dads always stand like this

    Twitter: @biohazardbiatch

    6. The TV stance:

    Twitter: @BenjaminCrew1

    7. The incomplete sentences:

    @_ericcurtin Why does every dad text like this

    Twitter: @tedcruzstan

    8. The ellipsis:

    Why does every dad on Facebook put ... after everything??

    Twitter: @esme_wilcox

    9. The gear shift:

    Why do dads always leave your car In gear so when you start it you jolt forward and nearly break your neck

    Twitter: @mollybrotherton

    10. The early bird:

    why do dads always wanna go to the airport 828382 hours early

    Twitter: @tinyswinn

    11. The money throwers:

    why do dads always give you money instead of love and affection?

    Twitter: @ra5haex

    12. The birthday amnesia:

    Why do dads always forget exact birthday dates 😂

    Twitter: @FraBRAH

    13. The wanderers:

    Twitter: @lunamayeli

    14. The convenient case:

    Why does every dad have a wallet phone case

    Twitter: @JesseSebastiani

    15. The nosiness:

    why do dads always want to know how much money you have in your bank acc??

    Twitter: @mfabsx

    16. The travel curiosity:

    why does every dad love asking you what highways you took to get somewhere on a trip

    Twitter: @BaileyMincer

    17. The sneeze:

    Why does every dad sneeze as loud as humanly possible

    Twitter: @nateobrienn

    18. The U2 stans:

    Twitter: @ODET0THEMETS

    19. The handwriting:

    why does every dad ever write in all caps?? they all have the same handwriting and it looks like this

    Twitter: @amberguidry5

    20. The toenail:

    why does every dad have a toe like this

    Twitter: @SophGalustian

    21. The socialites:

    why do dads know literally everyone

    Twitter: @13sss__

    22. The food burner:

    Why does every dad think a pizza isn't done until 3/4 of the cheese is burnt 😅

    Twitter: @yo_dbro

    23. The ringtone:

    Why does every dad ever have the most stressful ringtone of all time

    Twitter: @dilfmage

    24. The conversationalists:

    Why does every dad love asking the waiter what they recommend

    Twitter: @joevarello58

    25. The mispronunciation:

    why does every dad think calling him “justin beaver” funny??

    Twitter: @carrieonyellow

    26. The butter pecan:

    why does every dad eat butter pecan ice cream

    Twitter: @hinalul


    Why does every dad wear these in the summer

    Twitter: @lukasbattle

    28. The frown:

    Why do dads frown at the tv like around 85% of the time

    Twitter: @Thespookykiwi

    29. The revisionist history:

    Why do dads' exaggerate their childhood past?

    Twitter: @smileycherry2

    30. The lack of headphones:

    Why does every single dad watch vids so loud in the living room

    Twitter: @LeoThePsps

    31. And finally, the love:

    Twitter: @procrastinoura