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17 Things That Are As Close To "Perfect" As This Cruel World Can Offer

*Sobs in perfectionist.*

1. These cats that might as well be named Yin and Yang.

2. This stack of mini pancakes that look like they came out of a cloning machine.

3. This fallen tree that's keeping the balance in a Louisiana swamp.

4. This lemon cheesecake that has a smoother surface than an ice skating rink.

5. This drain that decided to just go with the flow.

6. This color-coordinated dynamic duo.

7. This carved apple that belongs in a museum.

8. These piano cakes that are fit for a queen.

9. This stream of water that could very well be shooting out of the drain hole instead of the faucet.

10. This polite gentleman whose hat tips with the top of your lighter.

11. This cup of water that said "psh" to the whole "glass half full" thing.

12. This concert bracelet that — for the first time in history — actually aligned.

13. This pup who is one with the ocean.

14. And this kitty who is one with the floor.

15. These book spines that should be the gold standard for every literary series.

16. This before and after of a coffee pot that might just have a genie inside of it.

17. And this yogurt with a spotless lid.