14 People Who Should Have Bit Their Tongue

    Nice try.

    1. This person who told Jeff Bezos in the '90s to "sell to Barnes and Noble and get out now."

    2. This person who spoke a little too soon about the "Reddit nerds'" inability to take down Wall Street.

    3. And this person — or company — that obviously had to roll back on one of their "strongest beliefs."

    4. This person who should have just bought in on the Bitcoin "mess."

    5. These people who forced us to learn how to do math with our brains — using an excuse that's now laughable.

    6. This person who said the iPhone would "never catch on."

    7. This person who thought Lady Gaga would be irrelevant by now.

    8. This person who hated the premiere of _SpongeBob SquarePants _and said the show was "doomed."

    9. This person who thought the biggest problem with the Tokyo 2020 Olympics was the fact that Michael Phelps wouldn't be there.

    10. This person who really lowballed LeBron James' career longevity.

    11. This person who thought Animal Crossing would be the reason they were a recluse in 2020.

    12. This person who underestimated the power of the franchise.

    13. This person who really thought they did something with this prediction about music streaming.

    14. And this person who probably wishes they left Ellen out of this list.

    H/T r/agedlikemilk.