15 Poor Unfortunate Souls Who Were Wrecked By The Evil Powers Of The Universe

    It wasn't their day.

    1. This person who hopefully didn't climb Mount Kilimanjaro just for the photo:

    2. This person whose anonymity went down the drain:

    3. This person whose doctor did them no favors:

    4. This person who missed the memo on their "window" seat:

    5. This person who randomly made it onto Ice T's shit list:

    6. This person whose name somehow kept them from getting a job:

    7. This person who was wrong-texted by a very angry stranger:

    8. This person who apparently SHOULD still be embarrassed about the "orgasm" incident:

    9. This person (Garrett) who is, in fact, NOT the man, the myth, the legend:

    10. This person whose car is about to be REAL toasty:

    11. And this person who hopefully has some blackout curtains:

    12. This person who couldn't even catch a break postmortem:

    13. This person who was not in the 1–4 range:

    14. This person who most likely did not enjoy their flight:

    15. And finally, Dennis: