15 People Who Should Probably Reconsider Their Career Choice

    Thanks, I hate it.

    h/t R/CrappyDesign

    1. Whoever designed this ridiculously narrow door to a women's restroom.

    2. Whoever honored this soldier by placing an air vent right over his face.

    3. Whoever made the sign for this store that could be selling anything from house plants to cowboy boots.

    4. Whoever went overboard while color-coordinating this book cover.

    5. Whoever designed this doormat that's making me feel more confused than welcome.

    6. Whoever was the head of design on this school's yearbook committee.

    7. Whoever made this anti-bullying presentation that bullied everyone out of paying attention.

    8. Whoever made this bathroom that doubles as a hat for tall people.

    9. Whoever designed this rattlesnake pillow that looks a lot more like a small intestine.

    10. Whoever figured ATM users could just use this thing as a backrest.

    11. Whoever put this bus stop in the middle of a grass field.

    12. Whoever illustrated this children's book that will definitely give them the wrong idea about fire hydrants.

    13. Whoever designed this straw that might as well have been pulled out of the garbage.

    14. Whoever created this nightmare of a pill organizer.

    15. And whoever made this clock that's both stupid and heinous. Sorry. I just hate it.