26 People Who Were Way Too Horny While Making Lunch

    Worms for brains.

    1. This person who made a sandwich that kinda resembled a vagina:

    2. This person who just had to notice that the peanut butter on their knife looked like a penis:

    3. This person whose kiwi was vulva-esque:

    4. This person whose cashew was happy to see them:

    5. This person who better not do anything with this steak except eat it:

    6. This person who probably made this Cheeto feel really embarrassed:

    7. This person who couldn't get over the yonic appearance of their dried apricot:

    8. This person who found a mushroom that looked a lot like Michelangelo's David:

    9. This person who probably happily dug into their sweet potato after taking this picture:

    10. This person who was really passionate about making "sausages":

    11. This person whose dinner probably got cold because they stared at this piece of pasta for so long:

    12. This person whose imperfect produce was perfect for them:

    13. This person whose bread looks more like a Georgia O'Keeffe painting:

    14. This person who was very ecstatic about their mini apple discovery:

    15. This person whose favorite part of the cake is the middle:

    16. This person who made not one, but four penis lattes:

    17. This person whose cake was so pretty, it ALMOST distracted from the fact that it looked like a vagina:

    18. This person who couldn't wait to slap this on the grill:

    19. This person who loved their yonic piece of chicken so much, they thought it was worth $20,000:

    20. This person whose phallic pepper was a little too detailed:

    21. And this person who's quite possibly the yellow pepper person's soulmate:

    22. This person who hopefully didn't lick their cone in public:

    23. This person who couldn't believe this WAS butter:

    24. This person who sucked a little too hard on their popsicle:

    25. This person who found a titillating Taki:

    26. And this person who somehow made mayonnaise look even less appetizing than it already is: