19 People Who Acted Foolish On Venmo, And Definitely Lost Some Friends In Result

    They must be stopped.

    1. This person started a full-on fight on Venmo over an old request they saw on their girlfriend's account:

    Screenshot of Venmo text with someone saying, "Oh ok, y'all know each other?"

    Pretty pathetic, huh:

    Screenshot of Venmo conversation with one person saying, "Tough on Venmo. It is my business when it's between my fiance. I call some serious bullshit bro."

    2. Speaking of pathetic, this person refunded a woman for their date after she turned down having sex with him:

    3. This person charged their friends after inviting them over for dinner:

    4. These people really thought this was a good deal:

    5. This person came for Zedd via Venmo:

    6. These people tried to scope out sugar babies on the platform:

    Text on Venmo reads, "Kindly Dm if you're interested in be my sugar baby_or you looking for a sugar momma sweetheart!!"

    7. This person aired out some REALLY personal stuff:

    8. This person apparently doesn't know how to call or text:

    9. This person didn't give an F that the whole world saw their insecurity firsthand:

    10. This person tried to turn back time in the rudest way:

    Went on 3 dates with this dude then ended it. Two weeks later got a VENMO REQUEST for the dates. Yeah I’ll take “Dodging a Bullet” for 500 please Alex 🤯

    Twitter: @lildovzz

    11. This person wins the "stingiest friend" award:

    Text conversation that reads, "ok cool no worries lmao i'll just ad like 47 cents to ur venmo charge? if thats cool."

    12. This person gladly takes people's money, when it's not even his:

    13. This person conducted the greediest experiment:

    14. This person really thought strangers (who probably have road rage) would Venmo her for getting married:

    15. This person steals people's money on nights out (under the guise of giving them her number):

    16. This person charged her own sister for staying in their childhood home:


    Twitter: @ngvyenvlly

    17. These people are hypocrites — straight-up:

    my friends days after still not completing my Venmo request: my friends 6 seconds after they Venmo request me:

    Twitter: @nottoocIose

    18. These roommates have no respect for deadlines:

    Me: “I sent you guys a Venmo request for the Electric/Gas Bill from this past month.” Roommates:

    Twitter: @DavidMezaTweets

    19. And finally, this person has no game whatsoever: