16 Photos That Actually Aged Like Milk

    ♪ Wish we could turn back time. To the good old daaaays. ♪

    1. Demi Lovato's turkey advocacy. 

    2. Blockbuster's online streaming attempt.

    3. The New York Times' article from 1924 about Hitler being "tamed by prison."

    5. Any publication's prediction that Game of Thrones would finish strong.

    6. And whoever decided to get this tattoo before the final season.

    7. Mark McGwire's status as an athlete "your kids can look up to."

    8. Kim's optimistic Instagram caption — re: her marriage with Kanye — from less than a year ago.

    9. This painfully ironic Corona ad.

    10. Lori Loughlin's joke about college on Fuller House.

    11. Microsoft's iPhone funeral.

    12. This "Would You Rather" question said "this you?" to smartphones a decade early.

    13. The critic who predicted this load of crap.

    14. These battery disposal instructions.

    15. Expecting _Avatar 2 _to drop in 2014.

    16. And Jenny's prediction of peace on a day where domestic terrorists ended up raiding the U.S. capitol.

    h/t r/agedlikemilk