26 Bosses Who Are So Awful, They'll Probably Make Your Workplace Seem Heavenly

    Who gave these people power?

    1. This boss who forgot to tell their (now–soaking wet) employee that they had the day off:

    2. This boss who now probably feels very silly about this "gift":

    3. This boss who definitely made up "theft of electricity":

    4. This boss who's hopefully taking this shredded cash out of her own paycheck:

    5. This boss who seems to have an issue with employees using company-issued vacation days:

    6. This boss who is making their employees pay to be hydrated:

    7. This boss who has a funny idea of what "essential work" entails:

    8. This boss who never learned the whole "sharing is caring" thing:

    9. This boss who just wants to order people around at this point:

    10. This boss who either accidentally grazed over the word "hospital" or is a huge piece of shit:

    11. This boss who owes their employee $10,000 for those 10,000 beans:

    12. This boss who made a really counterproductive (and stingy) impulse decision:

    13. This boss who doesn't seem to understand how a Christmas bonus works:

    14. And this boss who knows how it works but refuses to give their employees one:

    15. This boss who neglects her employee's food allergy:

    16. This boss who really said, "Screw the baby birds":

    17. This boss who definitely wasn't promoted for their organizational skills:

    18. This boss who has selective hearing:

    19. This boss who will probably never be forgiven:

    20. This boss who needs to keep their nasty butter fingers away from the monitor:

    21. This boss who doesn't know how to use a clipboard:

    22. This boss who can't make up his damn mind:

    23. This boss who is over the whole COVID-19 risk thing:

    24. This boss who could really benefit from using spell-check:

    25. This boss whose phone is a public health hazard:

    26. And this boss who committed a crime against humanity: