16 Photos That Are Painfully Gen Z — Sorry, Y'all

    I refuse to believe anyone was actually born after the year 2003.

    1. Having a mom who's young enough to understand memes:

    2. Jokingly calling your S.O. ugly...a lot:

    3. Spending most of your time alone and on the computer because a) we're in a pandemic and b) high school sucks:

    4. Somehow being born since the year 2003:

    5. Moms sliding into the group chat:

    6. Having conditional "best friends":

    7. Establishing a relationship on Snapchat:

    8. Getting rejected on Snapchat:

    9. And flat-out not even letting people in the friend zone:

    10. The bizarre reasoning behind "works cited" rules:

    11. Teachers going above and beyond for their students' safety:

    12. Regularly using "sus," "cringe," and "high key" in conversation:

    13. Wasting the summer away because the planet is a fiery hellhole:

    14. Insecurity that comes with way too many iPhone pics being taken:

    15. Shamelessly calling people out on their bullshit:

    16. And finally, the simple pleasure of making people laugh when you're — for once — not alone in your room:

    H/T: r/teenagers.