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17 People Who Lied Through Their Teeth, And Did A Really Bad Job Of It Too

♬ Why you always lyin'? ♬

1. This person who tried to suggest a highly dangerous "treatment" for coronavirus and was immediately shut down:

2. This person who was fishing for a "congrats" for something they didn't even do:

3. This person who got schooled:

4. This person who decided to make up lies that a cool-ass grandma was getting trolled on the internet:

5. This "person" who proved three times over that they were indeed a bot:

6. These people that tried to give this perfectly cute fluffmeister a bad rap:

7. This person who made up the most pointless lie about their age and couldn't even get the math right:

8. This person who must have dreamt that this concert happened:

9. This person who probably shouldn't have aired their dirty laundry with their former employer out on Facebook:

10. This person whose "girlfriend" has no idea who they are:

11. This person whose wife most likely isn't even pregnant at all:

12. This person who really thought they could make baseless (and racist) claims on the internet without getting called out:

13. This person who should have at least WebMD'd "measles" before writing this post:

14. This person who somehow thought people wouldn't just go to their profile to see details on their numbers:

15. This person who tried to claim someone else's work as their own after putting filters on it:

16. This person who couldn't get this stupid lie past die-hard SpongeBob stans:

17. And this person who was caught red-handed by the security camera: