15 Raw, Honest, And Scary Capitalism Photos That'll Make You Say, "Screw The System"

    What's the point 😩?

    1. This person getting knocked down a notch on their performance review because they took sick time:

    2. These people who are trying to make the phrase "polywork" happen:

    3. This nearly $1,000 bill for a simple medication:

    4. And the nerve of medical professionals to charge people for TYLENOL:

    i’m rubbing my head after getting a cavity filled. dental assistant says, “aw do you wanna tylenol?” i say please and she leaves to get me one. $15 on the bill. i thought she meant, like, from her purse https://t.co/3nObDs0Nze

    Twitter: @robwhisman

    5. The fact that restaurants are trying to guilt customers into paying their employees extra, when they're the reason they need tips in the first place:

    6. The way that raises don't even make much of a difference, thanks to the whole inflation thing:

    7. This bizarre presentation that just does not seem real:

    8. The fact that doctors are just as lost and devastated as patients when it comes to the healthcare system, but there's nothing they can do:

    I think I'm finally broken. Insurance company denied a CT Chest on a young woman with post-Covid syndrome. And while describing why I wanted it, I broke down in tears. It's too much. We want to do the right thing, and stupid rules keep us from being effective for our patients.

    Twitter: @drcarroll

    9. The eerie similarities between this photo of Mr. Incredible and pretty much all of the corporate workforce:

    10. The ridiculous amount of space that cars (and their exhaust) make up on the planet:

    You ever go outside and it just really hit you how everything is covered in fucking cars

    Twitter: @WalkableCityBoy

    11. This Twilight Zone-esque Apple Watch alert about a missile attack that looks extra disturbing placed right next to an exercise goal notification:

    12. The fact that being in the hospital isn't a good enough excuse to not go to work:

    13. This preposterous "Nurse's Appreciation" meal:

    14. Advertisements that literally admit we live in a sad, capitalistic shithole:

    15. And finally, Jeff Bezos: