Did You Hate The Same Things Most People Hated In 2017?

    Everyone loved their moms this year!

    Since 2017 is coming to an end, our friends at Hater, a dating app that matches you with people based on the things you hate, hooked us up with some fun, hate-filled data.

    Now they're sharing what people loved and hated this year, according to their hundreds of thousands of users.

    Let's start with music. There were no surprises in this category: People hate Nickelback and love Kendrick Lamar and Beyoncé.

    Food was also not shocking. People hated Hawaiian pizza and burritos that fall apart, but they're down with nuggets.

    As for style, people REALLY hated RompHims, cargo shorts, and Crocs.

    Everyone picked their mom as the person they loved the most this year, followed by Tom Hanks and Michelle Obama.

    And the most loved phrase of the year was "I love you," which gives us hope for whatever 2018 brings.

    Check out the full chart here: