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19 People Who Got The Worst Secret Santa Gifts In History

Because misery loves company.

We asked the BuzzFeed Community to tell us about the worst Secret Santa gifts they've ever gotten. Here are some of the funniest responses:

1. Kindergarten arts and crafts make terrible gifts when the person gifting them isn't a kindergartner.

2. Sometimes you just have to do a little bit of research before buying a gift.

3. Important rule to follow: Find out if the person you get likes sports before giving them a sport-specific gift.

4. Nothing described as "sticky" makes for a good gift.

5. Sometimes you have to pay for other people's mistakes, literally.

6. Someone got a shitty gift card and a valuable life lesson.

7. Nothing like an awkward hug to get into the Christmas spirit.

8. Just a thought: Don't give something that is borderline insulting to the person receiving it.

9. A bunch of random things thrown together don't exactly equal a gift basket.

10. If you forget you have to bring a gift, don’t try to make up for it last minute — people will notice.

11. Never get your hopes up.

12. Double check what your gift actually is before showing it off to your friends.

13. If you're not happy with your gift, just pretend.

14. If you're not sure what to get, at least make it holiday-themed.

15. If you're giving someone a crappy gift, at least make sure it's a *new* crappy gift.

16. Creepy guys will give you creepy gifts.

17. Some people's idea of a great gift can be very different from your idea of a great gift.

18. Garlic powder is a delicious condiment, but a terrible gift.

19. And if you're participating in a Secret Santa exchange, at least try to show up.

Some responses have been lightly edited and condensed for clarity.

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