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My Head Hurts After Looking At This Weird Image And Yours Probably Will Too

These are the same photos, I promise. H/T Business Insider

Guys, I just spent the last few minutes looking at this image and it is messing with my head in ways I can't even begin to describe — because, this is the SAME image side by side. Like, not from a different angle or anything.

But, I'm skeptical.

So, I decided to do a little ~investigation~ with Photoshop to see if this REALLY IS the same image and, well, SHIT GUYS.

I'm no scientist, but Reddit user All-Cal explained this simple visual phenomenon in the comments,

It's because the two streets come together at the bottom of the pictures. Your brain tries to perceive this as one image with a fork in the road and therefore the street in the picture on the left must be at a different angle than the picture on the right.

And others have compared it to the infamous "Café wall illusion."

But I think we all know what's REALLY going on here... WITCHCRAFT.

Can you see the optical illusion — what do YOU think is happening? Tell us below!

BuzzFeed has reached out to Reddit user djeclipz for comment.