17 Things Every Thirtysomething Woman Is Tired Of Hearing

    "You have to choose between family and career."

    1. "Those look like granny shoes."

    2. If you're single, "Don't you think it's about time you settled down?"

    3. "Don't you want children?"

    4. "When I was your age, you were already born."

    5. "All my friends have grandkids, guess I'll never know what's that like."

    6. Or this whopper, "It's OK, you still have some time."

    7. "I'm surprised you aren't further along in your career."

    8. "You have to choose between family and career."

    9. Someone younger than you saying, "OMG, I'm ~so~ old!"

    10. "What do you mean you don't wear makeup?"

    11. "Are you even excited for your birthday anymore?"

    12. "How are you ~not~ on Instagram?"

    13. "You should really buy a home."

    14. "That outfit's not really age appropriate."

    15. "You're tired because you don't take care of yourself."

    16. "Come on, don't be boring, come out tonight!"

    17. "Wow, I thought you'd have life figured out by now."